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Börsendaten Disclaimer

  1. SIX Financial Information AG Disclaimer:

    Disclaimer SIX Financial Information AG [deutsch]

    Copyright © SIX Financial Information AG und ihre Lizenzgeber. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Weiterverteilung und Nutzung durch Dritte ist untersagt. SIX Financial Information AG und ihre Lizenzgeber übernehmen keine Gewähr für gezeigte Informationen und lehnen jede Haftung im Zusammenhang mit Daten und Preisen ab. SIX Financial Information AG behält sich das Recht vor, diese Website jederzeit anzupassen und/oder zu ändern ohne vorherige Ankündigung.

    Disclaimer SIX Financial Information Ltd [english]

    Copyright © SIX Financial Information Ltd and its licensors. All Rights reserved. Further distribution and use by third parties prohibited. SIX Financial Information Ltd and its licensors make no warranty for information displayed and accept no liability for data and prices. SIX Financial Information Ltd reserves the right to adapt and/or alter this website at any time without prior notice.

    Avertissement légal SIX Financial Information SA [français]

    Copyright © SIX Financial Information SA et leurs donneurs de licences. Tout droit reservé. Toute exploitation et redistribution de ces données par un tiers sont interdites. SIX Financial Information SA et leurs donneurs de licences déclinent toute responsabilité relative à l’exactitude des informations sur les données et les prix qu’elles fournissent. SIX Financial Information SA se réserve le droit, d’adapter et/ou de modifier ce site à tout moment sans avertissement préalable.

    Disclaimer SIX Financial Information SA [italiano]

    Copyright © SIX Financial Information SA ed i sui cedenti. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. È vietata la trasmissione e l‘ uso da parte di terzi. SIX Financial Information SA ed i sui cedenti non prestano alcuna garanzia per le informazioni visualizzate e declinano ogni responsabilità in collegamento ai dati ed ai prezzi. SIX Financial Information SA si riserva il diritto di aggiornare in ogni momento la presente website e/o di modificarla senza preventivo avviso.

  2. Disclaimer Derivative Partners Research AG

    Copyright © Derivative Partners Research AG und ihre Lizenzgeber. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Weiterverteilung und Nutzung durch Dritte ist untersagt. Derivative Partners Research AG und ihre Lizenzgeber übernehmen keine Gewähr für die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität der gezeigten Informationen und lehnen jede Haftung im Zusammenhang mit Daten und Preisen ab.

  3. Disclaimer Hongkong for delayed data [English, Original]

    "The Hong Kong Stock Exchange quotes are provided by SIX Financial Information Ltd and The Stock Exchange of HK Limited endeavour to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided but do not guarantee its accuracy or reliability and accept no liability (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) for any loss or damage arising from inaccuracies or omissions."

  4. Disclaimer FTSE [English, Original]

    FTSE Indices

    "Ringier Axel Springer Schweiz AG is licensed by FTSE International Limited ("FTSE") to publish the FTSE Indices. FTSE shall not be responsible for any error or omission in the FTSE Indices. The FTSE Indices are calculated in accordance with a standard set of ground rules established by FTSE in conjunction with the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. All copyright in the index values and constituent list vests in FTSE International Limited or its licensors.

    The FTSE Eurotop Indices are calculated by FTSE in conjunction with Euronext N.V. or its subsidiaries ("Euronext") (and the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries) in accordance with a standard set of ground rules. The Eurotop 100 Index is a trade mark of Euronext and is used by FTSE under licence. The FTSE Eurotop 100 Index is the proprietary interest of Euronext and FTSE. All copyright in the FTSE Eurotop 100 index values and constituent list vests in Euronext and FTSE jointly. The FTSE Eurotop 300 Index is the proprietary interest of FTSE. All copyright in the FTSE Eurotop 300 index values and constituent list vests in FTSE. FTSE and Euronext shall not be responsible for any error or omission in the FTSE Eurotop Indices.

    The FTSE €Stars index is calculated by FTSE in accordance with a standard set of ground rules established by FTSE. "FTSE €Stars™" and the €Stars logo are trade marks of FTSE. All copyright in the index values and constituent list vests in FTSE. FTSE shall not be responsible for an error or omission in the FTSE €Stars Indices. © FTSE International Limited 2013. All rights reserved."

  5. TTMzero Analytics GmbH (“TTMzero”)

    Copyright © TTMzero Analytics GmbH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
    Weiterverteilung und Nutzung durch Dritte ist untersagt. Die von TTMzero berechneten Kurse (“Evaluated Real-Time Prices”) sind lediglich Indikationen in Echtzeit und stellen keine verbindlichen Informationen dar. TTMzero gewährleistet nicht, dass die berechneten Indikationen den Wert bzw. das Risiko eines Finanzinstruments zutreffend wiedergeben und lehnt jede Haftung im Zusammenhang mit den berechneten Daten und Kursen ab.

  6. Nikkei Indices

    "The copyright of Nikkei 225 is owned by Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. NIKKEI"

  7. Disclaimer NYSE for delayed data [English, Original]

    "The New York Stock Exchange quotes are provided by SIX Financal Information Ltd. SIX Financial Information Ltd and The Stock Exchange of NYSE endeavour to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided but do not guarantee its accuracy or reliability and accept no liability (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) for any loss or damage arising from inaccuracies or omissions."