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Invest sustainably

Achieve investment success with ESG investment solutions

Windrad ESG

We are responsible and reliable partners in the sustainable investment business. Our focus is on long-term investment success, based on a foundation that includes the integration of ESG criteria (environment, social and governance) in our investment strategies. In addition, we also analyse the ESG preferences of our valued clients in order to meet their needs.

Your advantages

  • Investing in companies with social and environmental responsibility
  • Improvement of the risk-return profile of a portfolio
  • Access to future-oriented markets and sectors
  • Consideration of personal ESG preferences

What does ESG mean?

ESG stands for Environment, Social and Governance. It is an approach in which not only traditional economic and financial aspects are taken into account when making investment decisions, but also environmental, social and corporate factors. The growing body of information on environmental, social and governance issues gives us an additional perspective that helps us to better understand which companies we invest in. The aim is to enable long-term value growth through sustainable investments while addressing environmental and social challenges.


  • Climate change
    Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to the effects of climate change.
  • Energy efficiency
    Utilisation of renewable energy sources and energy-saving measures.
  • Resource management
    Efficient use of natural resources such as water, soil and forests.
  • Environmental impact
    Prevention of pollution, protection of biodiversity and sustainable waste management.


  • Working conditions
    Promotion of fair working conditions, compliance with labour rights and health and safety in the workplace.
  • Human rights
    Respect for human rights along the entire supply chain and avoidance of forced labour and child labour.
  • Diversity
    Promotion of diversity and equality in terms of gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation and disabilities.
  • Common good
    Contribution to the common good through social commitment, supporting community projects or donations to charitable causes.


  • Business ethics
    Promoting ethical behaviour, integrity and transparency in corporate governance.
  • Board structure
    Experienced, independent Supervisory Board, clear responsibilities and appropriate gender balance in management.
  • Responsible remuneration
    Appropriate remuneration structures, recognising performance and incentivising long-term success.
  • Risk management
    Assess and manage financial, operational and legal risks to ensure long-term financial stability.

Find out more about our asset management services

ESG risks

"ESG risks" are events or conditions in the areas of the environment, social affairs and corporate governance that could have a negative impact on the profitability, costs, reputation and thus the value of the company and the price of financial instruments, for example, now or in the future.

Environmental risks are commonly divided into two categories: physical risks and transition risks. Physical risks include, for example, damage and costs arising from extreme weather events caused by climate change, such as storms, flooding and heatwaves, which threaten or harm a company’s economic activities or assets. Transition risks include regulatory risks, changes in consumer behaviour and liability or legal risks. One example of a transition risk would be the introduction of a tax on carbon dioxide emissions, which could negatively affect a company’s profitability and thus its enterprise value.

Social risks can arise, for example, from violations of employment standards, a lack of attention to occupational health and safety, poor product safety, failure to address social issues, unfair treatment of staff or high staff turnover.

Governance risks, meanwhile, can arise from unequal treatment of shareholders, inadequate risk management or control mechanisms, inappropriate remuneration systems or rule violations (e.g. corruption), among other things.

You can find more information on ESG risks in the Swiss Banking risk brochure: Swiss Banking brochure

Contact us


00800 0800 55 55 (free)
+41 58 059 22 17

Mon - Fry, 08:30 - 17:30



 bank zweiplus ltd
 Buckhauserstrasse 22
 CH-8048 Zurich

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This website is aimed at investors domiciled in Switzerland.




